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together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
together we can discuss new ideas, suggestions and solve issues to make our service even better for you.
changed description from "Add more tags to your post. Identify most frequent words, Google auto suggests, etc." to "Add more tags to your post. Identify most frequent words, Google auto suggests, etc.
We want to build a tag generator so you can create a better context for search engines.
You will be able to add most frequent keywords used, google search console keywords to your tags."
Our current plan for tag generator is to understand the context of the article. Any NLP or API is going to be an advancement for the feature and will be considering it. Our contextual related article link suggestion is a bit slow, so the tag generator will fuel our understanding of the context faster, but also help create a basic semantic structure and we will be slowly building and adding other APIs if we can.
changed title "Q1 2024 - Tag and Categories Generator "
changed title "Q1 2024 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API"
changed description "
AddmoreFor enhanced clarity and compliance with your guidelines: Boost the categorization of your posts with our new tool. By utilizing Open AI API, this tool scans your content and autonomously creates relevant tags and categories. Our goal is toyourpost.Identifymostfrequentwords,Googleautosuggests,etc.design a tool that generates tags and categories, enhancing search engine context. This addition aims to improve our link suggestion filter by automatically identifying suitable tags and categories. While previously, WordPress site owners needed to manually insert tags or categories, this feature will enhance your site and also integrate seamlessly with Linkilo. Wewanttobuildaaim to use this tool to refine and suggest related articles. There's a potential to introduce a taggeneratorsoyoucancreateabettercontextor category cloud at your article's end, helping readers explore related content. We're also considering automating the embedding of tag or category URLs within your content forsearchengines.Youwillbeabletoaddmostfrequentkeywordsused,googlesearchconsolekeywordstoyourtags."changed title "
Q1Q2 2024 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "changed title "
Q2Q3 2024 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "changed title "
Q3Q4 2024 Q1-2025 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "changed title "
Q42024Q1-2025 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "changed title "
Q1-2025Q13-2025 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "changed title "
Q13-2025Q3-2025 - Tag and Categories Generator with Open AI API "